Monday 7 July 2014

Easy way to Increase Likes on Facebook page

Facebook - - - Total active visitors near about = 1.23 billion , a best platform to go viral and shout out louder to reach people and tell them what you want . If you own a new website or business, you immediately don’t get thousands of Facebook likes. It depends on the way you promote your Facebook Page or post and also its all about patience. If your page or post get more exposure, then you are likely to increase Facebook likes. Keep in mind one thing,If the site gets more prefers, then there are possibilities to improve Facebook involvement rate which will improve Facebook like quickly. So nowadays i am going discussing some of the best methods which will give you some concepts to improve Facebook prefers quickly which will work 100%.

How To Increase Facebook Likes:-
1. Ways To Increase Facebook Likes Easily

Post attractive image on page. Image is the good way to increase more visitors. Be informative, with some humor crisp. People always want important information, or else you can also make them laugh louder.

2. Tag popular People

Tagging celebs, brands or other notifying personalties is also good way to enhance your reach ability .Tagging will not only increase increase Facebook like , but it will also increase Facebook engagement. If you share a post or pages don't forget to tag people. More people you tag, you are likely to get more Facebook likes.

3. Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing is a good way to increase Facebook likes but, this is not free. Its a procedure where you have to pay some cash to Facebook and it will enhance your page/post. Advantage of this promotion is,It will enhance your content to site visitors who are looking details relevant to your post/page. You can also set a focused place where you want to advertise your page/posts.

4. Invite More Friends

Invite your buddies to like you web page. Ask them to back up your post/page by advertising it with their buddies. This will improve Facebook like automatically without spending any cash to Facebook Promotion.but,one disadvantage of this technique is you cannot focus on your guests.

5. Be active and Regular on Facebook

Always try to be frequent. Post consistently in 3-4 durations. Don't exaggerate this. Target Saturdays and Sundays because more individuals will browse Social networking in Saturdays and Sundays as they got some free time have fun with. Utilize these Saturdays and Sundays to improve your Facebook likes of your posts/pages.

6. Use Facebook Hashtag

This is another best way to improve visibility on Facebook. By using Hashtags, it will be noticeable in that Keyword category. or example,if you want to show your post in Blogging Tag category,then you have to add #Blogging in that post which will be visible in Blogging category. While you post don’t forget using hastag.

7. Add Youtube Videos

Add some exciting video clip relevant to your web page. If your web page is relevant to music, then share music video clips where you will get more facebook like and feedback.

8. Don’t Share only links related to your website

If you run a company web page,Don’t discuss only your web page hyperlinks which will make your lovers to remove yourself from list and compared with your web page. Try to discuss some exciting things which is innovative and holds interest.

9. Design of the Page

Add a awesome profile image and cover page. Write a enjoyable information in information area. More clear your Name and information, more Facebook likes you get.

10. Use Facebook Like Box

If you own a web page and want to improve Facebook like of a web page,then create sure to add one Facebook like box in your website.

Rajesh Saini

I am Rajesh Kumar.I'm Professional Upcoming Blogger from India.I Loves to Write about the Technology, Blogging, WordPress, SEO and Digital Marketing and Travel.Contact Me



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